Powered by Benchmark’s 65 years of experience as a service provider, we can help your project thrive.
In 1960, parents of children with disabilities came together to found the Company that grew to become Benchmark Human Services. Through decades of excellent service provision and organizational growth, Benchmark has become a go-to partner for state and county governments, insurance companies and MCOs, and service providers throughout the country. We customize our approach, helping those we partner with make systemic changes to address their most urgent and complex needs.
Our work is deeply connected to our mission—to help people live as independently as possible, be included in the community, and reach their full potential. We provide a variety of services, including Active Consulting, autism services and ABA therapy, case management, day services, early intervention, employment services, family unification, group homes and supported living, mobile crisis response, and pediatric home health.
In each of our services, we focus on connecting people and potential. Learn more about our work below, and please contact our Development team if you would like us to help your project reach its full potential.
Our Services
Benchmark provides in-person and virtual staff training, customized to the provider organization. We also identify behavioral support staff who can be developed into higher-level roles to increase the provider’s internal capacity.
To learn more, please watch the video below, view our brochure, or contact us.
Populations served include individuals with extensive medical and behavioral needs, forensic backgrounds, and history of institutionalization, aversive interventions and life experiences. Learn more.
Our children and family services include:
- Evidence-based, trauma-informed support for at-risk families. Family preservation services and Community Action Treatment are designed to keep children out of the foster system and maintain the family unit in a safe and healthy manner.
- Compassionate, person-centered Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children diagnosed with autism.
- Family-focused early intervention services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays or disabilities.
Benchmark has successfully supported states’ deinstitutionalization and downsizing efforts. We secure and modify homes for individuals with significant needs and provide services, so they can transition out of centers and move into the community.
Our teams de-escalate crises, support individuals in crisis, and connect individuals with community resources. Benchmark aims to decrease unnecessary use of emergency department and law enforcement resources while providing safety and support for individuals in need. View our brochure or click here to learn more.
Our goal is to help individuals transition into less intensive placement and return to their lives in the community. From the point of admission, we begin discharge planning. We complete post-transition follow ups to support individuals’ success and stability.
Meet the Team
Benchmark’s Development Team is here to match your needs with our skills and expertise.
Get in touch: [email protected]